Urban rates

Basic fixed rate


Minimum race cost


Urban taxi ride
Multiple rate (time and route) per km


Extra-urban ride
Khilometric rate (one way only) per km


N.B. The boundary between urban and extra-urban zone is shown by proper traffic signals around the town, bearing the notice Lucca.

Waiting charge
Per hour


Extra charges (not cumulative)

Return fare to the city

Night shift (from 10 pm to 6 am), Sundays and holidays shift

€ 7,50

+ 20%

Minimum rate for night shift (from 01,30 am to 5,30 am)


Radio taxi call


Postponed radio taxi call


Luggage charge (each and max 3)


a) In case of radio taxi call, the cab shall have maximum € 9,00 on the taximeter.
b) In case of a collection of a user from an extra-urban zone to Lucca centre, the taximeter will start from € 9,00; in case the user continues the ride to another destination, the taximeter will be not changed.
c) In case of a transfer between two pint of historical centre, between the parking lots of the ring road and the historical centre and/or between the parking lots of the Train station and Piazza Napoleone, will be imposed the minimum ride of € 9,00 and the additional charges (nightly or holidays shift) except for long waitings.
d) For older people wich hold the “Carta anziani” of the Municipality of Lucca and disabled people, there will be a discount of € 2,40 on each rate above listed, exceptfor the minimum taxi ride.